Saturday 15 May 2010

What can be done to prevent ozone depletion

On a personal level, we can first change the light bulbs at home to compact fluoroscent light bulbs so as to conserve energy use which will slow down global warming and in turn reduce the depletion of the ozone layer.

We can also turn off and plug off all appliances and electronics, such as computers, if we are not using them.

When using trasport, we can carpool, walk or cycle instead of driving cars alone. Taking the bus is also a way of reducing the amount of harmful gases produced. Another way to prevent ozone depletion is to invest in a car that emits lesser chemicals.

We can support environmental organizations and spread the word about the causes and effects of ozone depletion to people around us.

Factories can improve the containment of chemicals to prevent leaks, evaporation and emissions of unitended by-products. They can also reudce the amount of CFCs needed in any particular type of equipment, by increasing the use of ammonia and other alternatves that have a lower global warming potential. Techniques that avoid the use of gases the play a part in ozone depletion or contribute to climate change can also be used.

On a global level, there have been treaties signed such as the Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of substances that contribute to ozone depletion.



  1. great answer! it really helped me with my homework on the ozone layer! Thanks,
    can you also add something about what is actually being done to save it or explain what the ozone layer is?

  2. it is a very useful information!
    it helped me with my research work.
    may you be blessed

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. it's very helpful it helped me whith my project

  5. There are also other ways which i found interesting in reading to protect ozone layer
